Unique Perspectives: Blogs about movies with Alternative and Bold Opinions

Let us celebrate the art of film criticism by (click now to visit the link) taking time to read these carefully curated link to reviews of new film.Iconic VillainsRobocopNext-Gen Post Launch Rant Movie ReviewThe ForeignerRed Heat (1988)The Devil's Hand (Funny)CGI VS Practical Effects - Why is CGI seen as lesser?

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Equilibrium Movie Review

A Christian Bale movie that has graced many a bargain bin DVD rack, Equilibrium was an attempt by Miramax to capitalize on the success of The Matrix with their own dystopian future science fiction action movie. However, due to it's amazing run in Europe, they decided to do the American release as cheaply as possible to ensure they won't (blog pos

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The Lost World Jurassic Park Movie Review

The sequel to the biggest dino flick ever made, The Lost World tried to up the ante by having MORE DINOSAURS THAN EVAH and even more, a T-Rex (blog) in San Diego! Of course, it also (blog post) fell victim to... wait (blog post) a minute... you mean it was the same writers and director responsible? ...how in the..?Source: The Lost World Jurassic

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Mandy Movie Review

I'm supposed to type something out here to let you all know exactly what kind of a movie Mandy is. The problem with that, is in order for me to be able to accomplish this task, I first have to know what kind of a movie Mandy is. After several horror movie reviews times watching it, I'm still not sure. However! It sure has a lot of establishing sh

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